
<span class="bsf-rt-reading-time"><span class="bsf-rt-display-label" prefix="Reading Time"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-time" reading_time="3"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-postfix" postfix="mins"></span></span><!-- .bsf-rt-reading-time -->

”S“hivangi danced gracefully onstage. She oozed charisma while enchanting the audience with her skill, movements and electric energy. This was her first stage performance and she did not display an iota of nervousness. If there was any, she did well to keep it hidden Infront of a strong crowd of 500 odd. Laxmi, watching from the sidelines, clutched her husband’s arms as tears flowed freely. She felt blessed to have a wonderful child in Shivangi, who at the tender age of 7, had mastered the imperiously difficult dance form of Bharatnatyam. At the end of the 10-minute performance, the spectators gave a standing ovation with claps thundering across the auditorium. Laxmi’s heart brimmed with profound proudness, as she looked at her daughter adoringly, who was soaking in the applause from the crowd. She felt her lucky stars had finally aligned after years of wilderness.

Laxmi had a horrendous past. After 7 barren years of marriage, she finally conceived, only to lose her child within 3 months of birth due to neonatal complications. Notwithstanding the gut-wrenching episode, it took another 3 years, before Laxmi conceived once again with Shivangi. Her blue-eyed daughter was the epicenter of her life. She could not be separated from her daughter even for a moment. She quit her job and doted after her daughter with great care and immeasurable love.

From the outset, she knew her daughter was destined for greatness. From a young age, Shivangi’s mannerisms were that of a matured adult. She would never throw tantrums at her parents. Like an obedient child, she would listen to her parents carefully and only speak when spoken to. She would grasp the gravity of any situation with amazing dexterity and respond according to the situations. She showed an inclination towards dance and music. Laxmi herself had been an enthusiastic dancer in her heydays.

When Shivangi joined school, her teachers were mightily impressed with her mannerisms, her cleverness won the respect and love of all her teachers. Her helping nature made her a role model amongst her young peers. Cheerful and bubbly, Shivangi lived life to its fullest.

One day as Laxmi was watching TV along with Shivangi, “Wow, mummy, that woman is dancing so beautifully.”
“Yes, my dear. It is a beautiful dance form called Bharatnatyam. I also danced a fair bit in my younger days”.
“Amazing, I would also like to learn Bharatnatyam mummy.”

And so, it began. Laxmi found out about a Bharatnatyam dance class on the outskirts of town. She enrolled Shivangi. In the evenings, after school, Laxmi would take her daughter, on a two-wheeler for an hour of dance class. She would watch and enjoy Shivangi learn the art form, while rolling back her own years.

Shivangi was a keen learner and had an observant eye. Within 3 months, she learnt the difficult movements and within the next 3 months, she danced with remarkable deftness, surprising even her own master.

Laxmi felt upbeat about the way life had turned full circle. Amar had settled into a stable job. Shivangi was doing very well in her class, feedback she received from her teachers yesterday could not have been better. Her daughters’ dance performance last Sunday, was still the talk of town. She was content the way life was treating her.

At 20 minutes to 5, the mother-daughter duo set off. Laxmi wore the helmet, while Shivangi took her position on the backseat while clutching her mother from behind. Laxmi had to pass through the crowded market street, then turn to the highway for 10 mins, before turning into the other side of town.

It was bit windy today. The air was filled with a monstrous rage, while dark clouds hovered. The sky had turned into crimson red, with the setting sun ready to hand over the night baton to the moon.

She noticed the market was more crowded than usual. Hawkers were busy plying their trades almost in the middle of the road, as if the road belonged to them. People thronged running their errands nonchalantly, while barely paying any attention to the vehicles around. Laxmi took her time to wade through the market street. She got down to a snail’s pace. She would surely get late to class, as she navigated her way through the traffic.

With the sudden breaking and swerving, the bike slipped on the road. She completely lost balance of the bike. She was flung on the side of the road. It took few moments for her to realize that she was thrown off the bike. She frantically searched for her daughter. It dawned on her that Shivangi was not near her. Instinctively, she clutched her stomach.

It was then, she realized that Shivangi had fallen on the opposite side of her, right on the highway. As she was about to call out, the unthinkable happened. A hurtling truck, not realizing the situation unfolding ahead, rolled over the young girl at break neck speed. The impact of the massive 10-wheeler was crushing. The bone crunching clatter reverberated through the howling winds. The scene could barely be describable. Blood splattered onto Laxmi and her bike.

Laxmi was shell shocked. She could barely believe her eyes. She tried to shout, but the vocals refused to escape her cords. Her daughter. Tears failed to materialize. She shook and trembled violently. It was the last image her eyes captured as she lost consciousness.

“Doctor, will you be able to save them? They are all I have got.”

“Unfortunately Amar, The truck’s tires rolled over Shivangi’s legs. It crushed both her legs. We had to amputate to save her. However, we will fit her with prosthetics. Barring any catastrophe, she should be able to walk within a year.”

“How about Laxmi doctor?”

“Laxmi has broken her lower jaw, which is being fixed. This will take several weeks to heal. However, our biggest concern is the massive trauma she suffered witnessing her daughter’s accident. The damage is not physical Amar, there will be a lasting impression and her mental stability is our biggest concern.”

“I’m afraid Amar, Laxmi was 7 months pregnant. With the impact, the unborn child could not survive. Her mental trauma would be enormous. We hope to have Laxmi back. You should try and take rest Amar.”

“Let us hope Laxmi can survive this. We are trying our best. She will need the best support, care and love from family. That will be the biggest healer.” Patted the doctor on Amar’s shoulder.

“No!! This cannot happen. Not to Laxmi. So unfair to my young daughter” sobbed Amar.

Poignantly, Amar had already walked out of the doctor’s cabin. He clutched Shivangi’s photo in her Bharatnatyam attire as he saw Laxmi sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed. Tears rolled down his eyes. Would Laxmi ever be the same again? Would they get to see Shivangi dance? Would there be light at the end of the tunnel? He wondered forlornly.

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