Liverpool Rule – Hot or Sexy..!!

Liverpool Rule – Hot or Sexy..!!
<span class="bsf-rt-reading-time"><span class="bsf-rt-display-label" prefix="Reading Time"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-time" reading_time="3"></span> <span class="bsf-rt-display-postfix" postfix="mins"></span></span><!-- .bsf-rt-reading-time -->

The 2019-20 English Premier season promised copious amounts of unadulterated shenanigans, dished out multi-cuisine recipes before turning tumultuously on its head resulting in an abrupt stoppage, akin to the likes never seen before, only to re-instate a lost glory culminating in eventualities.

As the season unraveled, we witnessed a seemingly one-way traffic, with the Liverpool juggernaut steam rolling all her opponents, leaving behind a trail of bludgeoned, bruised and humiliated teams in its wake.

Come the festive season it was amply clear on the authority stamped all over the island nation, while inquisitively, the curiousness was to know if any of the adversaries would lay hands on them, let alone the trophy.

The Reds rise has been dramatic, almost movie-like. A back to back trophy laden season, all the while conquering 2 of Europe’s biggest, most famous trophies; while scaling the heights of success with an air of invincibility. One would be forgiven to think if there was ever any doubt on the subjective matter.

The eccentric team with a star-studded line up was always expected to ruffle the feathers of their nemesis in Manchester City who ran them out so close last season. This year right from get-go, the bridesmaid found her mark and never put a foot wrong, all the while sailing down the aisle of glory.

An unflustered manager in Jurgen Klopp, at the peak of his managerial career with a seemingly humbling approach, rode the wave, turned the tables and put the smile back on the fans. His side clinching the title with 7 games to spare thereby delivering one of the most remarkable campaigns in top-flight history.

The manner of their victories was breathtaking to watch and at times so sexy that it was simply sinful to turn your back on them. It was exemplary classic amalgamated with a sizzling hot chemistry. The long wait for the fans is finally over, as Liverpool are crowned the new champions of England after a gap of 30 years. It is only be a shame that the die-hard fans will not be cheering the final hurrah from the stands.

This stacks up brilliantly for the beginning of the forthcoming season with a wounded Manchester city egging to throw the kitchen sink at the champions. Might as well add few more ingredients in the likes of Chelsea, Manchester United and lo behold, it will set up mouthwatering battles with its plots and subplots that is bound to make us writhe in ecstasy. Let’s wait then, shall we!!!

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