Iabhor talking about myself. One-person, numerous hats. An accidental engineer, a reluctant marketeer, true love is when you love what you do and do what you love. That’s what happened to me when I first started writing. I write and write. I love writing and that is my passion. It makes me super enthused. I’m only an amateur and seek to create my own space in the world with my words. My favorite genre is the sports category, but also love to indulge myself in travels, adventure, history and politics. With writing comes reading. I’m a voracious reader and completely immerse myself while at it.
Apart from this an avid marathoner as well. I love running. it gives me an innate sense of freedom, an openness to embrace the world for what it is, allows me to channelize my thoughts into writing.
Enough about me, let us read the articles, shall we!!!